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Are You or Someone You Love Struggling with Sex Addiction and Porn Addiction?

Pornography, Internet Sex or Affairs controlling your life?

I counsel sex addicts and their partners, spouses and families with the goal of overcoming the secrecy, lies, isolation, fear and despair associated with sexual addiction and compulsivity, hypersexual disorder and internet porn and cybersex addiction.

I am a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, Sex Therapist and Licensed Psychotherapist in the Madison Wisconsin area. I have the expertise, clinical training and specialized credentials to help you and your loved ones face the difficult and even devastating problems of sexual addiction and compulsivity and work towards emotional and sexual health.

Has Sex become something you avoid …a terrible reminder of the ways you were abused?

I am an experienced Sex Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker who helps survivors of abuse, assault and trauma and their partners overcome PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and the negative consequences on their functioning including the intrusive effects on self esteem, relationships and sexuality.

As a clinical member of the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP), I use specific trauma resolution tools such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to resolve PTSD symptoms. I am committed to continually enhancing my training and education in order to provide quality services to you.

Is Sex pleasurable, intimate and fun? Or painful – something to endure?

The goal of sex therapy is to resolve sexual problems and sexual dysfunctions so you can enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of healthy sexuality.

I help clients experience the joy of exploring and being sexual. We work together to help you feel good about yourself sexually and feel close to someone you care about.

Are life’s challenges getting you down?

When your important relationships are not going well – marriage, partners, children, family – your whole world can feel bad.

In individual, couples and marriage counseling, I address difficulties that can reduce your quality of life including depression, anxiety, work, individual, couples and marriage problems.

I use specific psychotherapy strategies to help you resolve these issues, increase resilience and options and decrease depressed and anxious thinking that impair your ability to be who you want to be as a partner, parent, friend.

What does sex mean to you?

Sexuality can be confusing. Sex can mean so many things.

  • Why do we feel the way we do and make the sexual choices we do?
  • How do we stop ourselves from using sex destructively and hurting ourselves and the people we love?
  • What do we do if someone we love is hurting us with their sexual behavior?
  • Is sex about humiliation and shame?
  • Or love, trust and openness?

Sometimes we need help…

  • Sorting out who we are sexually.
  • Identifying how to make changes so we can feel whole and integrated rather than disconnected and wounded.
  • Getting through daily life with burdens and challenges that can feel overwhelming.

In my more than twenty years as a psychotherapist and sex therapist in the Madison Wisconsin area, I have dedicated myself to counseling and helping people live fuller healthier lives.

Reclaiming Sexuality…Reclaiming Your Life… One Step At A Time

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