
Call Shari Cohn 608-237-8000 x 109

Thank you for your interest in contacting me for further information.

I see clients by appointment only.

I schedule my own appointments. If you would like to talk to me about setting up an initial appointment, please call me at 608-237-8000 extension 109. You can leave a message for me at any time in my confidential voice mail.

If you are a prospective new client please note that I am not able to accept all new referrals at this time. If you would like me to make a determination as to whether I can see you, please leave information on my voice mail about the following 7 items:

  1. Your full name. Please spell your name.
  2. Contact numbers and best times to reach you
  3. How you chose me as a possible provider (for instance who referred you)
  4. Any restrictions on times you can or cannot make appointments
  5. The name of your health insurance carrier if you hope to use insurance
  6. If I have permission to leave you a voice mail message identifying myself
  7. A brief statement describing the problem you are calling about

If I am able to consider starting with a new client at this time, I will try to contact you within five business days.

Our initial phone conversation is an opportunity for you to ask me any questions you might have and for me to ask questions of you. I can assess if I would likely be the right person to provide therapy services for you or if a referral to a different treatment provider might be more appropriate.

Currently client appointments take place through our secure telehealth platform via zoom.

When I see clients in person, counseling appointments take place at my clinic in Middleton Wisconsin which is located a block west of the city of Madison Wisconsin in a comfortable yet professional environment.

When you call my office at 608-237-8000 extension 109, you will reach my voicemail . You can leave a private confidential message for me in my voicemail twenty-four hours a day. If you are my current client I will call you back as soon as I can usually within forty eight hours.

Please explore my website and blog to learn more about me and the specialized counseling services that I offer.

I look forward to talking to you.

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If you are my current client and you are having an emergency, please do not leave a message in my voicemail or in the patient portal. I may not receive the message soon enough to get back to you to help you deal with the emergency.

In an emergency situation, please call my clinic number, 608-237-8000 and press 0You will receive instructions about how to reach the answering service who will contact me or the on-call clinician who can be of assistance to you. If you prefer not to talk to the on-call clinician, you can wait for a call back from me. However, I am not always available to return your call in the time frame you desire, so please assess your needs at that time and make choices based on taking good care of yourself.

If you are having a crisis in which you are at risk of hurting yourself or someone else, please call 911.

WARNING:   If you are not yet my client, please do not leave a crisis call for me in my voice mail or with the answering service. If you are having a crisis in which you are at risk of hurting yourself or someone else, please call 911. 

This National Suicide Prevention Lifeline crisis line may be able to help you if you are outside of the Madison Wisconsin metropolitan area: 1-800-273-8255. In Dane County Wisconsin, the Journey Mental Health Center 24 Hour Crisis Line number is 608-280-2600.

On my Internet Links – Resources page I have contact numbers for a range of mental health services throughout the United States. You can use these links to find resources outside of the Madison area. I am not endorsing the services of anyone on these links. Please carefully screen the credentials of whatever treatment provider you choose.

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